About Tillery PTO
Tillery PTO is an organization made up of Tillery parents, teachers and staff that assists school administration in their ongoing efforts to create a positive learning environment and to help every child be successful in school. This includes helping finance special projects that not included in the district budget, coordinating special events, and providing family-friendly opportunities to strengthen the home-school connection for our families.
PTO Announcements
Want to join Tillery's PTO? We would love to have you! Membership is FREE. Please fill out a membership form and return it to the front office.
Follow us on Facebook! @tillerypto
Pónganos me gusta en Facebook! @tillerypto
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Thank you, Volunteers!
We are so grateful to all of the Tillery parents/gaurdians, teachers and staff who have volunteered to be a coordinator this year. Your ongoing support makes Tillery the amazing school it is. Thank you!
If you are interested in helping with a position or event, please email us at or call the school and we will return your call.
PTO Documents
PTO Contacts
Phone: (479) 631-3520 Please leave a message and we will return your call!